Friday 15 May 2009

The Writer's Life for Me

I work for myself and I work from home so I've got the luxury of being able to knock-off a bit early if I want to. Of course, in reality this rarely happens but I always harbour thoughts of hanging out in cafes or going for long walks around London, searching for inspiration and a bit of downtime.

Anyway, I actually managed the former on Wednesday. I didn't have that much work on so I shut off the computer around 3pm and took my novel notebook to the local deli for a coffee and a bit of writing. The notion of writing in a cafe iss a bit like picnics, or days on the beach: not quite as decadent and romantic as it plays out in your head when you're imagining the life of a writer. On the next table, a woman was with her financial advisor, discussing ways to keep her business afloat, while the man behind me slurped and chomped his way through lunch to the point that I felt like ramming the damned sandwich down his throat.

On the upside, I did manage to map out the remaining chapters of the book - very roughly into key scenes for each chapter and it was great to get away from the computer at home and out into the real world for an hour.

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