Monday 25 May 2009

Fun in the Sun

With two kids now in tow, holidays aren't quite the relaxing oasis of sunbathing, reading and wine consumption that they used to be. Still, on the upside, I did manage to read almost half a book, sit out in the sun for at least half an hour every day and try out most of the local beers.

I also managed to do a bit of writing and it was fab to sit outside under the shade and write. I knew I wouldn't get much done so I didn't bring the laptop but writing longhand was actually quite a nice change, even though it took a while to get rid of the shakes as I don't usually write more than a sentence with a pen these days. I've just finished adding the words to the manuscript and I reckon I managed a couple of thousand so not bad.

I really looked forward to a few minutes of quiet writing time and was a bit twitchy to get going again when we got back at the weekend. Hopefully this enthusiasm will last - I keep reading about other people coming to a standstill at around the 30-40,000 word mark. I don't have a great track record of persevering with projects so I'm desperate to push on through with the first draft. Now I've got the chapters (very roughly) marked out into scenes, I'm hoping this will help to get me through any really bad patches.

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