Tuesday 23 February 2010

Real Work Ruins Everything

It's such a shame that the paid words have to take a precedence over the enjoyable ones that, unfortunately, don't pay the bills.

I know, I know, I shouldn't moan about having work. This time six months ago I was doing the usual freelance whining about not having enough work and worrying about ever getting any more bookings. The thing is, it gave me time to work on the novel - pretty much finish it in fact - in those sparse couple of months when the paid jobs slowed right down. And now that I'm up to my neck in work that someone is actually going to pay me for (eventually in some cases - invoice chasing being one of my frequent pastimes) I'm moaning again. I'm just desperate to get on finish the edits of the novel so that I can give it someone to read and get some proper feedback.

I suppose if I stop procrastinating, stop surfing the Net, stop making cups of coffee, stop tweeting, stop blogging and stop doing loads of washing, I might actually be able to finish the paid work and have a bit of time for something else...

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