Thursday 31 July 2008

Mad Dogs and Englishmen

Sometimes it’s great being British. I don’t know how many conversations I’ve had with people this week about the weather – that mainstay of British pleasantries.

It’s almost a given that you have to bemoan the current weather conditions, whatever they may be so, over the last couple of days, we’ve all been sweating, panting and collapsing our way through that brief glimpse of sunshine that constitutes British summertime.

I’ve had my fair quota of complaints and have managed to hold my own during these dialogues: maggots infesting the food bin; milk going sour before I can get it home from the Co-op; really bad buggy-pushing tan lines etc etc. Oh, the traumas we must endure in the daily grind of life.

No doubt the rain and grey skies will return swiftly and provide a change in direction not only of the weather but the conversations.

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