Friday 11 July 2008

Hello Dolly! (Dolly Parton, o2 Arena, Sunday 6 July)

Wow. I went to see Dolly Parton at the o2 on Sunday night and yet again, I was blown away. Apart from being a prolific songwriter, the lady sure knows how to belt out a tune and keep an audience entertained.

A two-hour set with no support act is no mean feat for a lady comfortably into her sixth decade. And, far from taking things easy, she managed to throw a few shapes when her contemporaries would probably be rattling round the stage strapped to life support equipment, or spend their entire show with buttocks firmly planted to a padded stool.

She pretty much covered every emotional tract, as she swam seamlessly between classic crowd pleasers such as ‘Jolene’ and ‘9 to 5’, to full-on tear jerkers like the absolutely astonishing ‘Do I Ever Cross Your Mind’ There wasn’t a whisper from the 20,000 strong audience as the diminutive diva belted out a hauntingly beautiful acapella version of ‘Little Sparrow’.

The best thing about it was that she wasn’t there simply to plug her new album; fans will always buy your latest releases but Dolly seems to know what people want to hear and she’s not afraid to comply. Songs were interlaced with plenty of (admittedly predictable) yarns and boob jokes but again, the fans expect it and that’s part of her charm. From the top of her platinum blond piled-up hairdo to the tips of her heels, she’s the ultimate entertainer.

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