Saturday 28 June 2008

Ain’t No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

Free lunch maybe not, but coffee, yes.

I couldn’t bear the thought of yet another trip to the swings yesterday. That sinking feeling of Groundhog Day spurred me on to venture further afield and a few clear tantrum-free days gave me sufficient confidence to attempt an excursion with the Maclaren and buggy board. (My arms were still a little sore from Monday’s explosion in the park and subsequent fireman’s lift home – Jess kicking and screaming under my arm while I tried to manoeuvre the buggy with the other hand.)

I thought we’d keep it nice and simple and just go to Southbank. Apart from Jess asking to go to the café for juice pretty much as soon as we arrived at London Bridge, it was a really nice morning out. Perfect for toddlers: train ride; boats and river to look out; loads of space to run around by City Hall; and loads of cafes.

We finished with a wander around Borough Market, which is potentially a nice, cheap morning out in itself, depending on how much will power you have. Of course, the more realistic outcome is that you’ll end up spending the equivalent on bread and cheese as you would for entry to a theme park and a hotel for the night…but it will be artisan bread and cheese lovingly prepared by virgin hand-maidens in outer Mongolia.

We stopped at a café and the ridiculously chirpy barista gave me my coffee for free. I’m not quite sure why as he had limited English and a very thick accent but mutual smiling and nodding seemed to convey the offer of complimentary beverage and my subsequent thanks. Who says London’s an unfriendly place?

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