Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Plodding on with Work and Novel

Having read numerous blogs and having lived with myself for the last 30-odd years, I knew this would happen. I'd been keeping a strict update on the writing, with a chart pinned to the wall to encourage me to write every day and put down the word counts. And then, I stopped.

Obviously, there are countless excuses I could come up with as to why the novel suddenly came to a grinding halt but what's the point? There will always be a reason not to write, which makes it all the more important to keep writing. Luckily, it was only a small blip and I've got back into it again. I'm now a month behind my self-imposed deadline but the annoying thing is, I only have about 5,000 words to write. I can easily knock out 5,000 words in a day for the day job but when it comes to crafting a novel, procrastination makes this extremely unlikely!

I've been really buoyed on by the updates of Cally Taylor over the last couple of weeks and the excitement of her novel getting published. If it's a dream to write a novel then there's no point sitting there thinking about it. It's not going to write itself and a finished novel has infinitely more chance of being published than a blank ream of paper.